Untitled MCU/Destiny Crossover Part 2

Title: Untitled MCU/Destiny Crossover Part 2
Author: IcefallsTears
Fandom: MCU, Destiny
Genre: Action Adventure, Crossover, Sci-Fi
Relationship(s): *No Relationship
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Dark Themes, Discussion: Genocide/Xenocide, No Beta,
Word Count: 1,420
Summary: After the trip back to Avengers Tower, the Avengers, Mr. Fantastic, and Dr. Strange have disconcerting discussion with the newcomers.

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Untitled MCU/Destiny Crossover Part 1

Title: Untitled MCU/Destiny Xover
Author: IcefallsTears
Fandom: MCU, Destiny
Genre: Action Adventure, Crossover
Relationship(s): *No Relationship
Content Rating: R
Warnings: No Beta, Canon Level Violence
Word Count: 2,319
Summary: The Avengers meet a new group of fighters when Mr. Fantastic once again lets something terribly dangerous through one of his “Accidental Portals.”

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The Feeding Frenzy – Series Page

Title: Feeding Frenzy Series
Authors: Jilly James, Ladyholder, Ellywinkle, darkseraphina, Rivermoon1970, desertpoet, SpencnerTibbsLuvr, DarkJediQueen, TK Benjamin, penumbria, Nimue of the North, Saydria Wolfe, & Keira Marcos
Fandom: NCIS, JAG, Mag 7 ATF, Madam Secretary, Eureka, Person of Interest, CSI: NY, Leverage, Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, Die Hard, Kingsman, Sherlock (BBC), James Bond (Craig era), Crossing Lines, Man from U.N.C.L.E., MCU, F.B.I., Warehouse 13, Criminal Minds, Stargate: SG1, Stargate: Atlantis, NCIS: New Orleans
Genre: Contemporary, Crime Drama, Canon Divergence, Crossover
Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Spencer Reid
Content Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Warnings: Canon-typical violence and themes, Major Character Death, Minor Character Death.
Word Count: 103,915
Summary: Instead of going to Israel, Tony reaches out to Harmon Rabb and the consequences ripple out like a snarknado.

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Title: Perishable
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: NCIS, References to some Marvel fandoms
Genre: Crossover, Alternate Universe, CRACK
Relationship(s): None, references to canon pairing, and implied future pairings.
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Discussions of violence and murder, references to gore.
Word Count: 1,821
Summary: Tony DiNozzo has a rough day at work and arrives home to find the cause of his rough day waiting for him.

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Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 2 of 2

Title: Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 2 of 2
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 2,489
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 1 of 2

Title: Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 810
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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Man in Black – Chapter 1

Title: Man in Black – Chapter 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 1409
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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The Journey Begins – Parts 1&2

Title: The Journey Begins – Parts 1&2
Series: Tales of a Wandering Godling
Series Order: 1
Author: IcefallsTears
Fandom: MCU, Teen Wolf
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternate Universe, Supernatural
Relationship(s): No Relationships
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Dark Themes, Discussion-Murder, Kidnapping, Suicide-Attempted, Violence-Canon Level, Violence-Graphic
Word Count: 1,975
Summary: A young girl of the most unusual bloodlines is captured, and her choice during captivity sends her spinning through the multiverses.

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Man in Black – Prologue

Title: Man in Black – Prologue
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 1261
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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A New Beginning – Part 2

Title: A New Beginning
Author: desertpoet
Fandom: Harry Potter, MCU
Genre: Alternate Universe, Time Travel
Relationship(s): Gen
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: Murder, Character Bashing, Child Abuse, Major Character death, Other trigger topics, No Beta
Word Count: 26,035
Summary: Loki discovers h has a son, and when they meet he realizes his son’s life has been difficult. Loki knows he will do whatever he can to help Harry no matter what it takes.

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A New Beginning – Part 1

Title: A New Beginning
Author: desertpoet
Fandom: Harry Potter, MCU
Genre: Alternate Universe, Angst, Time Travel, Crossover
Relationship(s): Gen
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: Murder, Character Bashing, Child Abuse, Major Character death, Other trigger topics: Mind and body control, No Beta
Word Count: 26,035
Summary: Loki discovers he has a son, and when they meet he realizes his son’s life has been difficult. Loki knows he will do whatever he can to help Harry no matter what it takes.

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Lost and Found

Title: Lost and Found
Author: IcefallsTears
Fandom: MCU
Genre: Alternate Universe, Fantasy, Fix It
Relationship(s): Gen
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: No Beta, Racism
Word Count: 8,736
Summary: When Prince Helblindi, the Jotun Emissary to Asgard meets Prince Loki of Asgard, revelations occur that change the future of both Realms forever.

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The Imperfectly Remembered Life – Chapter 1

Title: The Imperfectly Remembered Life – Chapter 1
Author: IcefallsTears
Fandom: MCU
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Relationship(s): Tony Stark/Loki
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Character Bashing, Dark Themes, Discussion-Rape, Discussion-Torture, Disturbing Imagery, Explicit Sex, Kidnapping, No Beta, Racism, Rape-Offscreen
Word Count: 4,017
Summary: This fic is based off this prompt: https://www.facebook.com/carrie.sands.39/posts/741091202718923?pnref=story . Three years since the Battle of Manhattan, and two and a half years since Loki disappeared from his cell; the Avengers find Loki desperately injured in Thailand. Upon coming out of the coma his injuries put him in, Loki has amnesia. The Avengers take him in, and he becomes friends with all of them and more than that with Tony Stark. One day after recovering his memories, Loki pays them back for their kindness by saving their lives and the world.

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Dragon Forged – Chapter 2

Title: Dragon Forged – Chapter 2
Author: IcefallsTears
Fandom: MCU and Dungeons & Dragons
Genre: Action Adventure, Fixit, Fusion
Relationship(s): Pre Tony Stark/Loki
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Discussion-Child Abuse, Discussion-Torture, Homophobia, Kidnapping, No Beta, Racism, Sexism.
Word Count: 3,423
Summary: Loki arrives. Tony gets himself into hot water, and gains some valuable new pieces for his Hoard. Steve is still confused about WTF is going on in the 21st Century.

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