Banner by Jilly James
Instead of going to Israel, Tony reaches out to Harmon Rabb and the consequences ripple out like a snarknado.
- Feeding Frenzy 1 – Blood in the Water by Jilly James
- Feeding Frenzy 2 – Chumming the Waters by Ladyholder
- Feeding Frenzy 3 – Enter the Ocean, Enter the Food Chain by Ellywinkle
- Feeding Frenzy 4 – Shark Amongst Guppies by darkseraphina
- Feeding Frenzy 5 – A Deep Dive by Rivermoon1970
- Feeding Frenzy 6 – Sometimes You Don’t See Them Coming by desertpoet
- Feeding Frenzy 7 – Rattling the Cages by Ladyholder
- Feeding Frenzy 8 – The Lone Shark by LuvzDiNozzo
- Feeding Frenzy 9 – A Boat in International Waters by DarkJediQueen
- Feeding Frenzy 10 – That Shark by T.K. Benjamin
- Feeding Frenzy 11 – The Meg by Jilly James
- Feeding Frenzy 12 – Cast a Net of Wonder by penumbria
- Feeding Frenzy 13 – Hidden in the Deep by desertpoet
- Feeding Frenzy 14 – Sharkbait by DarkJediQueen
- Feeding Frenzy 15 – There’s a Shark in My Boat by Jilly James
- Feeding Frenzy 16 – Old Shark Circling by T.K. Benjamin
- Feeding Frenzy 17 – Sharks Flooding the Streets by Saydria Wolfe
- Feeding Frenzy 18 – One Shark, Two Shark, Red Shark, Blue Shark by penumbria
- Feeding Frenzy 19 – Not as Many Sharks Flying Around by Jilly James
- Feeding Frenzy 20 – Fish or Cut Bait by LuvzDiNozzo
- Feeding Frenzy 21 – Sated Hunger by darkseraphina
- Feeding Frenzy 22 – The Great White Caper by Rivermoon1970
- Feeding Frenzy 23 – Gentle Tides by Nimue of the North
- Feeding Frenzy 24 – We’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat by Saydria Wolfe
- Feeding Frenzy 25 – Deep Blue Sea by Keira Marcos
ahem. Pardon our shark puns.
Series Info
Authors: Jilly James, Ladyholder, Ellywinkle, darkseraphina, Rivermoon1970, desertpoet, SpencnerTibbsLuvr, DarkJediQueen, TK Benjamin, penumbria, Nimue of the North, Saydria Wolfe, & Keira Marcos
Fandoms: NCIS, JAG, Mag 7 ATF, Madam Secretary, Eureka, Person of Interest, CSI: NY, Leverage, Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, Die Hard, Kingsman, Sherlock (BBC), James Bond (Craig era), Crossing Lines, Man from U.N.C.L.E., MCU, F.B.I., Warehouse 13, Criminal Minds, Stargate: SG1, Stargate: Atlantis, NCIS: New Orleans
Genre: Crime Drama, Canon Divergence, Crossover, Crack Taken Seriously (for the most part)
Relationship(s): Eventual Tony DiNozzo/Spencer Reid
Content Rating: PG to NC-17
Warnings: Canon-typical violence and themes, Major Character Death, Minor Character Death
Word Count: 103,915
Feedback is appreciated but certainly not required. Please keep in mind that this series has been created by multiple authors so don’t save up your thoughts to the end should you feel inclined to comment.
Banner Gallery
Series Note
The series was conceived by Jilly James around the premise of “what if Tony left NCIS and everyone wanted to hire him.” The goal for each relay is to be its own mini-story where Tony goes through his future career options. There are also two investigation relays.
One of the early decisions was that Keira, who wrote the anchor for the relay, would make the decision about Tony’s future career based on what people had written in the relays. Meaning, she had no plan until she read the series herself.
Thirteen authors came together to tell the story of Tony coming into his own, finding his path in life, and stumbling into love along the way. Though the concept is cracky, the execution is crack taken seriously—however, some fandoms by their nature take it to a full crackgasm (Hello, Warehouse 13, we’re looking at you).
PN Ztivokreb volunteered to do most of our beta work, and that was a tremendous help.
SpencnerTibbsLuvr did the majority of the series art and helped get the word out on MeWe.
DarkJediQueen helped with a lot of behind the scenes wrangling, and other administration was handled by Jilly James and Keira Marcos.
Some parts of the relay will only ever be on Wild Hare, but authors may choose to post on AO3 or their own website. Please check the AO3 collection for parts available there.
Oh, wow. I saw the series page come up and looked at the authors/fandoms/number of parts, and had a legit Heavy Breathing Cat moment. Having read it all ravenously, in big bites, the moment was justified – and now I’m going to go back and slowly savor it all. Cheers, everyone, well done! 🙂
When I saw the author list for this I expected it to be fantastic. This series so far exceeded my expectations that I don’t have a word to describe how absolutely fabulous it is. Every story is brilliantly written, the characters are so perfectly rounded and every single author kept the same Tony in character. It’s simply an amazing achievement and I cannot say enough fabulous things about it. Well done all and thank you so much for sharing this!
I was up way past my bedtime reading all of this, and I absolutely loved it! I’ll pay for it later, but all of the stories were wonderful.
I read the whole thing though it took me 2 1/2 days of RL to get through it. AMAZING story.
This was such a feast! Loved every bit, you are all amazing authors to keep up the continuity of characters and story like you all did. Steamed through this now going back for a slower reread. Thank you!
Fantastic story. Well done to all the writers. Each story flowed into the next, which is not easy to accomplish. So congrats to all of you
Love it, love it, love it!!!
You are an astounding group of authors, and you ticked nearly every one of my boxes. Love you all!
I’ve been reading this over the last couple days and have enjoyed every bit of it. The shark theme and shark puns have been entertaining but I’ve also spent the entire time hearing V V Brown’s “Shark in the Water” in my head. I love that y’all spanned such a wide variety of shows and clearly had a lot of fun with this.
I really enjoyed this-all of my favorite crossovers in 1 story by all of my favorite writers. 🎉🎉🎉♥️♥️♥️
This was great. I agree, sharks with lasers on their heads is not an unreasonable request. You have to take your levity where you can, puns and all. The whole thing is well done and very well tied up at the end. Thank you to all of you.
This must have taken an incredible amount of co-ordination and co-operation to flow so seamlessly. Well done to all involved.
What a brilliant set of stories! And a huge serving of Tony – fantastic! Thank you all for putting your minds and pens to this. 🙂
I highly doubt you guys are sorry for the shark puns. XD
Awesome series. I gulped it down the first time around, and have to take time later to reread it the way it deserves.
This was entirely too much fun. You all did an exceelnt job of tag teaming each story. This was a lot of fun to read and I got to dip into some Fandoms I’d not thought of before. THanks for this I hope it was as much fun for all of you to participate in.
This is EPIC!! I couldn’t stop reading. I love how you all kept the story true, but how I could feel each authors’ individuality. You all should be extremely proud of this. I loved every word. The shark puns were absolute perfection.
Oh, this whole concept is just too sexy.
awww, fuck YEAH!!! this was so damned much fun, I raced thru, now I’m gonna reread slower. but dayum, y’all, this series kicks ass!! lovely job everyone, and it hangs together great!!
That was simply one of the finest things I’ve had the pleasure of reading in a good while. Loved it from start to finish!!! I hope everyone who participated is proud of this, because it’s a work of art!
Woah, what a rush. Just the anodyne Tony needs after enduring NCIS. I even enjoyed the universes I don’t read! Read it last night in one go. Now, to re-reading. Wonderful story, everyone. Thank you. This was wonderful. (I definitely liked the sharks, if anyone is keeping tabs.)
A Huge thank you to all the authors and support people. Y’all did an amazing job.
So good!! All my favorite authors in one place. One of the best competent Tony stories I’ve ever read.
An amazing story, with each part linking so well with the rest, quite the feat.
The puns and allusions to sharks in the stories was funny and clever, but the madness that the interest in Tony spawned did resemble a feeding frenzy. Through it Tony was given the chance to appreciate his own skills and the respect others had for him, such a contrast to Gibbs and Vance’s behaviour even before they tried to sacrifice him for their own good.
Thank you to all the authors who worked to collaborate on this epic task.
Very good.
I couldn’t stop reading it.
Now it is 8 in the morning and I read the whole Night, with a pause when I had to get up because my alarm rang.
You could’t really tell it was written by different authors it flows together so seamlessly.
I will have to read it again as soon as I have time.
Took me almost 3 days of all my reading time to get through this absolutely fabulous story.
Loved the different crossovers and seeing all my favorite authors were a part of it just made my day.
Thank you all so much!
Took me three days to finish and now I need to go back and reread more slowly to fully enjoy each nuance. This was an amazing piece of synchronization with regards to Tony remaining the same tone throughout and the addition of all the fandoms to create such a fantastic cohesion. Kudos to all of you for taking this on and sharing with your fans. It’s going in my top 10 list that’s for sure. If you all decide to do something like this again, I’ll be one of the first at the door to read it regardless of subject.
As soon as I found this, I was going to read it because Tony and Tony leaving makes my heart all a flutter… then I saw the author list and I have stars in my eyes…
All my favourite authors… together… on one masssive project?
I have a bad feeling sleep ain’t happening for a while…
Took me three days to read this. I don’t know how I managed to hold off reading until the weekend, but I’m glad I did. Thank you. It made up for some really bad real life issues happening.
Such a good series and done incredibly well for so many authors. The stories all fit really well into the overall story line and I enjoyed the few that weren’t directly about Tony, as well. I loved the ending and Tony working with Cassandra. I hope he and his team kick some Hydra butt.
Hooray! An amazing reading experience, thank you all. A fabulous weekend treat for me! xxx
This whole thing was a lot of fun. I definitely loved that Keira wove so many bits together for the last story that teased things out and tied them together at the same time. Congrats on a fun romp, everyone. It was really great to get pulled through all these worlds with a emotionally traumatised Tony who doesn’t get why so many people like him.
(Sidenote, as I read through a hell of a lot of fandoms that I’m not familiar with, I became increasingly exasperated by the perceived necessity of a male lead in crime/thriller/spy texts. This pissed me off. It kind of makes me want to write crime novels with a female Toni or Peter Wimsey type, all irreverence and cutting competence.)
This whole story was absolutely brilliant. I loved how you put esoteric and frankly incompatible things together fully knowing they were relatively incompatible, and made it work. And the final mash up at the end is everything I could ever want out of a Tony moves on story meets half of the fix-it’s in the universe. Thank you for all of your hard work! It’s a privilege to be able to read it all.
This was marvelous. It took a couple days to wade thru all of it and it was worth the lack of sleep. Hat off to every writer and the talent it took to write it. I’d love to see more of these linked together stories just because they are so much fun.
I loved this story great job of mixing other tv series with NCIS. Love how you had Tony interacted with other characters. Great job
I finally was in a place I could read this, and it was FANTASTIC. Tony interacting with everyone, no really EVERYONE was such a blast. And, taking his Uber-connections to have a fantasteam and job is the best. Thanks!
I knew I was going to have wonderful time reading this when I saw it pop up on two of my favorite authors subscribed website emails. But I didn’t know I was going to find more authors I love who can hold my attention with their imagination and make me feel less stressed. I work in retail and reading is how I combat my stress. I do love the shark themed titles ^_^.
Now I’m going to explore all the other stories here and have fun reading your ideas.
This absolutely excellent story is the sum of truly excellent parts 🙂
Seriously it flowed so well, it was Tony, a sane, sensible and well rounded Tony, the whole way through.
So many strands, so many characters, and they all seemed right. It all pulled together into a most enjoyable read.
Many kudos to everyone involved in it’s creation.
Thank you 😀
An amazing series, just finished reading. Great to see so many of my favorite authors participate and find new authors.
Bravo to all of u for an amazing job, writing, coordinating, story lines and fabulous artwork.
Love it, love it, and Love it!!!
All of these stories by all you great writers blew me away!
To be able to read so many of my favs in one series was such an amazing treat but for it to also involve one of my favorite characters had me giddy. Thanks to all of you for creating so many enjoyable reading moments
Great Job everyone really enjoyed Tony’s interviews.
This…I am speechless. I’ve heard you all talk about this, I’ve seen the chats, and through the servers I’ve come to meet and know all of you wonderfully talented individuals that have written parts of this.
You all are amazing; you have made me laugh, made me cry, and made me giggle like a little school girl. Thank you, all of you for sharing your talent with us.
You’ve expanded my horizons on fandoms that I will read, and introduced characters that I’ve never encountered. It has been an amazing…few hours, considering I read this all in one sitting.
Again, thank you all so very much. This was wonderful, and I’m so awed by everyone’s talent.
This Is a great Series, well done on each of the Author’s parts.
Will be saving in my Favs to read again.
Wanted to let you know I totally enjoyed the series. I think this is the third time I’ve read it.
No apology needed; When the writing’s this good, a few corny shark puns are easily forgiven…