It Begins With Death

Title: It Begns With Death
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer; Forever Knight
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Xander Harris/Angel/Spike
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Deaths occur, but mostly to background or side characters, and the occassional OC. Temporary/permanent character death depending on how you look at it (in the sense that that character becomes a vampire).
Word Count: 38350
Summary: After the destruction of Adam and the Initiative Xander once again leaves Sunnydale. This time he makes it further than Oxnard. His meeting with an ancient vampire changes his life in ways he could have never anticipated and brings into question everything he has ever learned about vampires.

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The Secrets We Keep

Title: The Secrets We Keep
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Xander Harris/Spike
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Murder of a AU version of a canon background character.
Word Count: 21500
Summary: Xander’s past comes back to haunt him, and he must decide if he will run, or face up to the challenge laid before him, and what that entails, while keeping his secrets…secret; Angel returns to Sunnydale to keep a promise he made long ago.

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The Many Lives of Xander Harris

Title: The Many Lives of Xander Harris
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Buffy: The Vamppire Slayer/Angel
Genre: Alternate Universe; Crossover
Relationship(s): Xander Harris/Angel pre-slash
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Temporary death of main character. Permanent death (offscreen) of a canon character (this is only discussed after the fact).
Word Count: 17400
Summary: After the events of Becoming, Xander leaves Sunnydale and spends the next several years drifting from place to place, hunting and being hunted in equal measure.

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Self – Episode 7 – Self-Delusion

Title: Self Delusion
Series: Self
Series Order: 7
Author: Ztivokreb
Fandom: The Magnificent Seven, NCIS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, CSI: Miami, Teen Wolf
Genre: Drama, Angst
Relationship(s): No Pairings, Gen
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Death of a Major Character, Other trigger warnings
Word Count: 6,098
Summary: The world didn’t stop when they made their escape. For those left behind there are many questions…and for some, there are consequences.

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Self – Episode 3 – Sense of Self

Title: Sense of Self
Series: Self
Series Order: 3
Author: Ztivokreb
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Genre: Drama
Relationship(s): Gen
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Discussion – Other trigger topics
Word Count: 2,735
Summary: Xander has let Willow and Buffy destroy any sense of self he has left long enough. It’s time he cut them out. He has given them enough of himself, and now, after one final betrayal, it’s time to find himself.

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Starting Over Chapter 3

Title: Starting Over Chapter 3
Author: LLN3dseestheLight
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf
Genre: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Rule 63
Relationship(s): Derek Hale/Xander Harris/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Faith Lehane
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Violence-Cannon-Level
Word Count: 1552
Summary: Xander Harris is not happy about this assignment from Giles. Just because she hadn’t aged since she was possessed by a Primal Goddess when she was eighteen was no reason to send her back to high School! Beacon Hills was apparently growing to the level of a hellmouth and bared watching by the Council. Faith was coming with to get over her divorce Throw in a cut guy that surrounded himself with supernatural beings and a super hot but grumpy werewolf? And a good time was going to be had by all…Until the vampires showed up, anyway.

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Starting Over-Chapter 1

Title: Starting Over
Author: LLN3dseetheLight
Fandom: Teen Wolf, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Genre: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Rules63
Relationship(s): Derek Hale/Xander Harris/Stiles Stilinski, Faith Lehane/Peter Hale
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Violence-Canon-Level
Word Count: 1269
Summary:Xander Harris was not happy about this assignment from Giles. Just because she hadn’t aged since she had been possessed by a Primal Goddess when she was eighteen was no reason to send her back to high school! Beacon Hills was apparently growing to the level of a hellmouth and bared watching by the Council. Faith was coming with to get over her divorce. Thrown in a cute guy that surrounded himself with supernatural beings and a super hot but grumpy werewolf? And a good time was going to be had by all…until the vampires showed up, anyway.

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