It Begins With Death

Title: It Begns With Death
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer; Forever Knight
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Xander Harris/Angel/Spike
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Deaths occur, but mostly to background or side characters, and the occassional OC. Temporary/permanent character death depending on how you look at it (in the sense that that character becomes a vampire).
Word Count: 38350
Summary: After the destruction of Adam and the Initiative Xander once again leaves Sunnydale. This time he makes it further than Oxnard. His meeting with an ancient vampire changes his life in ways he could have never anticipated and brings into question everything he has ever learned about vampires.

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The Secrets We Keep

Title: The Secrets We Keep
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Xander Harris/Spike
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Murder of a AU version of a canon background character.
Word Count: 21500
Summary: Xander’s past comes back to haunt him, and he must decide if he will run, or face up to the challenge laid before him, and what that entails, while keeping his secrets…secret; Angel returns to Sunnydale to keep a promise he made long ago.

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Choices (and the Protection of the Territory)

Title: Choices (and the Protection of the Territory)
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Alternate Universe, Crossover, Episode Related
Relationship(s): Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Implied Noah Stilinski/Chris Argent, Implied Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Discussion-Murder, Violence – Canon Level
Word Count: 33550
Summary: Stiles decides enough is enough. After learning some new information about his mother, which connects to a strange new power he’s been hiding, he decides to leave to get some training. Stiles eventually returns to BH when there’s trouble that isn’t being handled properly by the pack there, which opens a series of meetings and a test for the Alpha of the territory.

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Keeper 3: Keeping Balance

Title: Keeper 3: Keeping Balance
Series: The Keeper
Series Order: 3
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Alternate Universe, Pre-Relationship
Relationship(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lucas Stilinski/Peter Hale
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character Bashing, Death – Minor Character, Discussion – Murder, Canon-Level Violence
Word Count: 18200
Summary: The Pack is becoming a family, Stiles is learning what it means to be Fey, everything would be fine, if it wasn’t for the pesky problem of the bodies that keep turning up, despite the protection of the Nexus surrounding Beacon Hills. Oh Yeah, and there are decisions that need to be made about Scott’s Omega status.

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Keeper 2: Rebuilding Family

Title: Keeper 2: Rebuilding Family
Series: The Keeper
Series Order: 2
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Alternate Universe, Pre-Relationship
Relationship(s): Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lucas Stilinski/Peter Hale
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character Bashing
Word Count: 19700
Summary: Stiles is learning what it means to be Fey, while trying to bring the pack together. Lucas does Peter a favor that may be more complicated than it first appears.

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The Keeper of Beacon Hills

Title: The Keeper of Beacon Hills
Series: The Keeper
Series Order: 1
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale (Pre-Relationship)
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character bashing, major character death, discussion of murder, discussion of torture, canon-level violence.
Word Count: 25800
Summary: After time spent with Gerard Argent, Stiles learns the truth about his mother’s death and finds out he’s not as human as he’s always believed. He must face the same choice his mother did and discover if he has the Will to keep Beacon Hills safe for the future.

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Bloodlines – Part II

Title: Bloodlines – Part II
Series: Bloodlines
Series Order: 1
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Ares/Joxer
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Canon-Level Violence, Discussions-Murder;
Word Count: 14300
Summary: Deaths on Olympus brings information about Joxer’s family to light, as well as truth about him to the surface.

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Bloodlines – Part I

Title: Bloodlines – Part I
Series: Bloodlines
Series Order: 1
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Ares/Joxer
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Canon-Level Violence, Discussions-Murder;
Word Count: 15600
Summary: Deaths on Olympus brings information about Joxer’s family to light, as well as truth about him to the surface.

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Family Ties

Title: Family Ties
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Xena: Warrior Princess
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Ares/Joxer (Pre-Relationship), Cupid/Strife
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character bashing; Free-Love, Greek mythology style.
Word Count: 13400
Summary: Cupid’s nuptials brings about some truths and forces some people to acknowledge things they were trying to keep hidden.

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