December 6th: Aircraft Carrier Insanity (Art)

  • Complete
Content Rating:
  • R

*No Relationship

  • *No Site Warnings Apply
  • Challenge Response
  • Crime Drama
  • Humor
  • Mystery
Word Count:

Author's Note:
Prompt: Streaker in a Santa Hat

On December 24, Gibbs is in MTAC when reports from four different aircraft carriers on routine missions come in. There are sailors on the deck obstructing operations wearing nothing but a Santa hat. What kind of conspiracy is this?

Profilers for Christmas is an anonymous crime drama Advent Calendar featuring both art and stories. Additional information about the challenge can be found here.

About penumbria

I mostly write under penumbria on AO3


  1. Great execution of the prompt! Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Love this! Thank you so much for the morning laughter.

  3. This is such a funny idea – love it!

  4. Hilariously cute.

  5. When this popped up on Twitter, I laughed my ass off. No pun intended đŸ˜‰

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--Do not make demands regarding future events or pairings.

In short, don't be an asshole.

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