Tiera Lan vs the Galaxy

Title: Tiera Lan vs the Galaxy
Author: IcefallsTears
Fandom: Star Wars
Genre: Action Adventure, AU, Sci-Fi
Relationship(s): *No Relationship
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No Beta, Racism, Violence – Canon-Level
Word Count: 1,041
Summary: Sith Pureblood Tiera Lan had always planned on training to be Sith. But to be shoved into the Academy early… well murder isn’t illegal on Korriban, so long as there are no witnesses.

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The Many Shades of Grey

Title: The Many Shades of Grey
Author: fashi0n
Fandom: Star Wars
Genre: AU, Canon Retelling
Relationship(s): No Pairings
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Canon Typical Levels of Violence, Discussion of torture and canon character deaths
Word Count: 10,994
Summary: Luke Organa. Han Solo. Leia Skywalker. And the wheels of Fate just keep on turning. A retelling of A New Hope where Luke was raised by the Organas and Leia by the Lars.

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Balmorran Nights

Title: Balmorran Nights
Series: Yet the Force
Series Order: 3
Author: Vasaris
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Genre: Slice of Life, Science Fiction
Relationship(s): Female Sith Warrior/Malavai Quinn
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Identity Porn, Canon-level violence, Offscreen Torture, Discussion of murder, Discussion of rape, Sith being Sith, BDSM overtones, questionable morality
Word Count: 22479
Summary: Out of every insipid party on any given world, she had to come to this one. Beautiful, seductive and sith, S. Daahzi Thalrassian was nothing Malavai Quinn could have expected, and everything he unexpectedly wanted. It was almost like a love story.

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May the Force Survive – Prologue & Chapter 1

Title: May the Force Survive
Author: vamprav
Fandom: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Genre: Alternate Universe, Time Travel
Relationship(s): Finn/Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren/General Hux
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Dark Themes, Death – Major/Minor Characters, Genocide, Canon-level violence, No Beta
Word Count: 2,606
Summary: When the Force threw him back through time Hux knew he couldn’t do anything, at least not yet. So he waited and planned and prepared for the fracture points, the two hammer blows he could prevent from descending: the Hosnian System and the death of Kylo Ren.

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