A Demon’s Rebirth – Chapter I

Title: A Demon’s Rebirth – Chapter I
Series: Mischief’s Ire
Series Order: 2
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Xena: Warior Princess
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Ares/Joxer, Cupid/Strife
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This one is mostly just family drama. The entire story will have dark themes, discussion of muder, effects of the possession of a dark God, canon-level violence.
Word Count: 5630
Summary: Joxer plays mediator between Strife and Apollo while being courted, and getting Xena’s help to complete a mission that will have far-reaching consequences.

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Mischief’s Ire

Title: Mischief’s Ire
Series: Mischief’s Ire
Series Order: 1
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Xena: Warior Princess
Genre: Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Ares/Joxer (Pre-Relationship), Cupid/Strife, Xena/Gabrielle
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Major Canon Character Death (not Ares or Joxer).
Word Count: 16000
Summary: Strife has had enough of a certain God’s interference and enlists the aide of Joxer, which causes more problems than it solves. Meanwhile, Joxer’s secret assignment is approaching completion.

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The Many Lives of Xander Harris

Title: The Many Lives of Xander Harris
Author: Kylia
Fandom: Buffy: The Vamppire Slayer/Angel
Genre: Alternate Universe; Crossover
Relationship(s): Xander Harris/Angel pre-slash
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Temporary death of main character. Permanent death (offscreen) of a canon character (this is only discussed after the fact).
Word Count: 17400
Summary: After the events of Becoming, Xander leaves Sunnydale and spends the next several years drifting from place to place, hunting and being hunted in equal measure.

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Title: Jasper’s
Author: Kylia
Fandom:Teen Wolf
Genre:Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None that I can think of (unless you really like Deaton)
Word Count: 3778
Summary: Derek Hale needs protection on his newly rebuilt house and goes to the local magic shop for assistance, where he meets Stiles Stilinski.

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