I write, I stream and I hate canon a good 95% of the time.

Step Away From the Window

Title: Step Away From the Window
Author: CinnaMinion
Fandom: Inception
Genre: Alternate Universe-Mutants
Relationship(s): Arthur/Eames, Mal Cobb/Dom Cobb
Content Rating:
Warnings: Xenophobia, Bigotry, Racisim as it applies to mutants, Explicit Sex
Word Count: 30,241
Summary: Life has a way of sneaking up on you. Things never really turn out the way we expect them to. It’s not about the outcome so much as the people you meet and the journey you take. Stacking the deck in your favor helps though.

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Although the Stars May Fade

Title: Although the Stars May Face
Author: CinnaMinion
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate SG-1
Genre: Alternate Universe- Fusion, Daemons, HDM
Relationship(s): Evan Lorne/Daniel Jackson, Background pairings
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Discussions of Child Abuse, Discussions of Torture, Disturbing Images, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Word Count: 22,991
Summary: Evan Lorne has no better friend than his daemon Kazimir. Even when he wished he’d never been born he’d always managed to carry on because of Kaz. Atlantis was his second chance. He had family and friends. He and Kaz could be themselves in a way they’d never even hoped for on Earth. Pegasus has it’s drawbacks. He’s been kidnapped, tortured, watched as Kaz was hurt totally helpless to do anything about it and still come back for more. Then they get information important to their survival and everything becomes a pain in the ass.

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Tsunami Bomb

Title: Tsunami Bomb
Author: Cinna
Fandom: Hawaii-Five 0
Genre: BDSM, Alternate Universe
Relationship(s): Pre-Danny ‘Danno’ Williams/Steve McGarret
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence – Canon Level
Word Count: 12,792
Summary: Life is never easy for anyone. No one gets out alive. Sometimes it’s not about the bullshit you’ve been through but the people you meet and the place you call home.

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