Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 2 of 2

Title: Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 2 of 2
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 2,489
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 1 of 2

Title: Man in Black – Chapter 2 – Part 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 810
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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Man in Black – Chapter 1

Title: Man in Black – Chapter 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 1409
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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Man in Black – Prologue

Title: Man in Black – Prologue
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Numb3rs, Avengers MCU, X-Men Movieverse, NCIS.
Genre: Action-Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Fix It, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule 63, Science Fiction.
Relationship(s): N/A
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – child, dark themes, death – child, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – suicide, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic.
Word Count: 1261
Summary: After the attack on New York, Don is called back to SHIELD with one very important assignment, wrangle the Avengers and be their Bulwark against the many interests that want a piece of them. Numb3rs/Avengers/X-Men O3/NCIS Crossover.

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