Feeding Frenzy 15 – There’s a Shark in My Boat

Title: There’s a Shark in My Boat
Series: Feeding Frenzy
Series Order: 15
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: NCIS, Crossing Lines, James Bond (Craig!Verse)
Genre: Canon Divergence, Crossover
Relationship(s): None
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, minor canon character death.
Word Count: 3,830
Summary: Tony’s off to The Hague to meet with the Special Crime Unit of the International Criminal Court.

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Feeding Frenzy 14 – Sharkbait

Title: Sharkbait
Series: Feeding Frenzy
Series Order: 14
Author: DarkJediQueen
Fandom: NCIS, James Bond (Craig Era)
Genre: Canon Divergence, Crossover, Drama
Relationship(s): James Bond/Q
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4,780
Summary: Tony’s enjoying London. Now if he could just get people to actually schedule appointments to meet him. That would be great.

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Unknowing – Chapter 2

Title: Unknowing
Author: Chestnut NOLA
Fandom: James Bond
Genre: Romance, Humor, Suspense
Relationship(s): James Bond/Q
Content Rating: PG13
Warnings: Violence – Canon-Level
Word Count: 2,154
Summary: MI6’s most troublesome wayward agent has no idea he is a Sentinel. Q will have to prove the age-old adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” wrong.

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Unknowing – Chapter 1

Title: Unknowing
Author: Chestnut NOLA
Fandom: James Bond
Genre: Romance, Humor, Suspense
Relationship(s): James Bond/Q
Content Rating: PG13
Warnings: Violence – Canon-Level
Word Count: 2,279
Summary: MI6’s most troublesome wayward agent has no idea he is a Sentinel. Q will have to prove the age-old adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” wrong.

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Unknowing – Prologue

Title: Unknowing
Author: Chestnut NOLA
Fandom: James Bond
Genre: Romance, Humor, Suspense
Relationship(s): James Bond/Q
Content Rating: PG13
Warnings: Violence – Canon-Level
Word Count: 1,062
Summary: MI6’s most troublesome wayward agent has no idea he is a Sentinel. Q will have to prove the age-old adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” wrong.

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A Common Mistake

Title: A Common Mistake
Author: myredturtle
Fandom: James Bond
Genre: Established Relationship, Slice of Life
Relationship(s): James Bond/Q
Content Rating: PG13
Warnings: Discussion – Torture
Word Count: 1,064
Summary: Every six months without fail, one of the new intake would ignore the warnings given in the induction lectures and the recommendations of their new colleagues.

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