It’s My Life – Chapter One thru Six

Title: It’s My Life
Author: AngelicInsanity
Fandom: 9-1-1, NCIS, and Numb3rs
Genre: AU, Canon Divergence, Fix It, Pre-Relationshop, Slash
Relationship(s): Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Various other background canon and non-canon pairings
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Adultry, Character Bashing, Discussion -Child Abuse, Discussion -Domestic Violence
Word Count: 37,713
Summary: Eddie Diaz had spent his whole life trying to fit into a box. A box that his parents created and set the rules for. Then later both his wife Shannon and the Army tried to change the shape of his box to suit their own needs. Then, one day Evan Buckley walked into his life and Eddie found out there were people who didn’t believe in boxes. When Shannon comes back to resume her efforts, it’s his Tia Pepa and sister Sophia that suggest Eddie try to live his life outside a box, also

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Title: Heartfelt
Author: Hazel
Fandom: 9-1-1
Genre: Alternate Universe, Paranormal, Romance
Relationship(s): Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Explicit Sex
Word Count: 11,003
Summary: Buck and Eddie are in love. The fae think they deserve a wish baby. The fact that they’re not actually in a relationship is irrelevant.

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To Feel This Moment

Title: To Feel This Moment
Author: AngelicInsanity
Fandom: 9-1-1
Genre: Alternate Universe, Challenge Response, Romance, Slash
Relationship(s): Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character Bashing, Character Death – Minor Character, Discussion-Domestic Abuse, Discussion-Child Abuse, Discussion-Domestic Abuse, Discussion-Stalking
Word Count: 5646
Summary: Evan Buckley grew up knowing he wasn’t Special or special. He was convinced that he would never be enough for anyone. Then one day he decided to live his life for himself and started on a path that would lead him to his soul mate. Because really, as long as he was enough for Eddie Diaz, nothing else really mattered.

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