Shore by Shore

Title: Shore by Shore
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: X-Men Evolution
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Canon Divergence, Challenge Response, Episode Related
Relationship(s): No Pairings
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Dark Themes, Discussion – Other Trigger Topics, Disturbing Imagery, No Beta, Violence – Canon-Level
Word Count: 1,481
Summary: Scott isn’t as unaffected by what happened with Mesmero as he thinks he is. Canon AU. Post Season 2 Episode 12 Mindbender. Tag to Episode Mindbender. Gen. Friendship.

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Broken Mirror

Title: Broken Mirror
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: X-Men Comicverse
Genre: Alternative Universe, Angst, Canon Divergence, Challenge Response, Drama, Episode Related, Het
Relationship(s): Past Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Dark Themes, Death – Major Character, Death – Minor Character, Discussion – Murder, Discussion – Other Trigger Topics, Discussion – Torture, Disturbing Imagery, Murder, No Beta, Violence – Canon-Level, Violence – Graphic
Word Count: 2,012
Summary: Scott counted the cracks on the ceiling and waited, for his cell to open, for the guards to come and get their daily entertainment. AvX Consequences AU. Gen. Friendship. Past Scott Summers/Emma Frost.

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Flame Out

Title: Flame Out
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: X-Men the Animated Series
Genre: Alternative Universe, Angst, Canon Divergence, Challenge Response, Episode Related, Established Relationship, Het
Relationship(s): Scott Summers/Jean Grey
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Dark themes, Discussion – Other Trigger Topics, Disturbing Imagery, No Beta, Violence – Canon-Level
Word Count: 2,352
Summary: There were no other sighting of Shaw, or Emma Frost or Wyngarde. Vanished, then, into the wild of New York City streets. Back into the shadows whence they came. Ororo did not care. Her heart only for the precious being held gently in Beast’s arms and of the missing sister that might be lost to them. Perhaps forever. s03e02: The Inner Circle AU. Episode Divergence. Dark Phoenix Saga AU. Gen. Friendship. Team.

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