Found and fell in love with fanfiction in high school. In more recent years just working to keep creativity in my day to day life and bring back and improve my writing.

Living by Moonrise

Title: Living by Moonrise
Author: Silver Dragonfly
Fandom: Sailor Moon
Genre: Fluff
Relationship(s): No Pairings
Content Rating: G
Warnings: No Site Warnings Apply
Word Count: 852
Summary: Luna comes to the realization that there is a lot about Usagi she never took the time to understand. This worries her as she see’s the carefree girl she first found slowly disappearing and changing.

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Special Measures

Title: Special Measures
Author: Silver Dragonfly
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: General, A Reckoning
Relationship(s): No Pairings
Content Rating: G
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Word Count: 3105
Summary: The war is over. Hermione is starting to get herself organized to try to continue on with the new normal when she gets a summons to a meeting at Gringotts. Somewhere she thought she’d never be welcome again.

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