The Sentinel of the North – Chapter 5

Title: The Sentinel of the North
Author: Gnome781
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Genre: Sentinel Fushion, AU
Relationship(s): Ned Stark/Catelyn Stark
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Canon Level Violence, Incest – Canon
Word Count: 2333
Summary:When Ned Stark prayed to the Old Gods for help in figuring out what was wrong beyond the Wall, He never expected them to reawaken the Sentinel gifts of ages past. Now he will have to navigate these new gifts as well as the politics he can’t stand.

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The Sentinel of the North – Chapter 4

Title: The Sentinel of the North
Author: Gnome781
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Genre: Sentinel Fushion, AU
Relationship(s): Ned Stark/Catelyn Stark
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Canon Level Violence, Incest – Canon
Word Count: 2333
Summary:When Ned Stark prayed to the Old Gods for help in figuring out what was wrong beyond the Wall, He never expected them to reawaken the Sentinel gifts of ages past. Now he will have to navigate these new gifts as well as the politics he can’t stand.

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The Sentinel of the North – Chapter 3

Title: The Sentinel of the North
Author: Gnome781
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Genre: Sentinel Fushion, AU
Relationship(s): Ned Stark/Catelyn Stark
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Canon Level Violence, Incest – Canon
Word Count: 2333
Summary:When Ned Stark prayed to the Old Gods for help in figuring out what was wrong beyond the Wall, He never expected them to reawaken the Sentinel gifts of ages past. Now he will have to navigate these new gifts as well as the politics he can’t stand.

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The Sentinel of the North – Chapter 2

Title: The Sentinel of the North
Author: Gnome781
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Genre: Sentinel Fushion, AU
Relationship(s): Ned Stark/Catelyn Stark
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Canon Level Violence, Incest – Canon
Word Count: 2333
Summary:When Ned Stark prayed to the Old Gods for help in figuring out what was wrong beyond the Wall, He never expected them to reawaken the Sentinel gifts of ages past. Now he will have to navigate these new gifts as well as the politics he can’t stand.

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The Sentinel of the North – Chapter 1

Title: The Sentinel of the North
Author: Gnome781
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Genre: Sentinel Fushion, AU
Relationship(s): Ned Stark/Catelyn Stark
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Canon Level Violence, Incest – Canon
Word Count: 2511
Summary:When Ned Stark prayed to the Old Gods for help in figuring out what was wrong beyond the Wall, He never expected them to reawaken the Sentinel gifts of ages past. Now he will have to navigate these new gifts as well as the politics he can’t stand.

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