Fluid Dynamics – Chapter 1

Title: Fluid Dynamics – Chapter 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: NCIS, the Sentinel
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crime Drama, Crossover, Drama, Fusion, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule63, Mystery, Romance (mostly friendship)
Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Abuse – domestic, dark themes, death – minor character, discussion – domestic violence, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, no beta, violence – canon-level, violence – domestic.
Word Count: 1861
Summary: Toni thought everything was finally settling down in her life after Baltimore; but then Kate joined the team, a series of mysterious deaths kept popping up on their radar and she kept getting a strange vibe from Gibbs. Sentinel/Guide AU.

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Fluid Dynamics – Prologue

Title: Fluid Dynamics – Prologue
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: NCIS, the Sentinel
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crime Drama, Crossover, Drama, Fusion, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule63, Mystery, Romance (mostly friendship)
Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Abuse – domestic, dark themes, death – minor character, discussion – domestic violence, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, no beta, violence – canon-level, violence – domestic.
Word Count: 712
Summary: Toni thought everything was finally settling down in her life after Baltimore; but then Kate joined the team, a series of mysterious deaths kept popping up on their radar and she kept getting a strange vibe from Gibbs. Sentinel/Guide AU.

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