The Difficulties of Carrying Dwarven Children

Title: The Difficulties of Carrying Dwarven Children
Series: The Differences Between Hobbits and Dwarves
Series Order: 1
Author: Starkindler
Fandom: The Hobbit
Genre: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Fantasy, Male Pregnancy, Slash
Relationship(s): Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: No Beta
Word Count: 9,566
Summary: Bilbo is pregnant. Thorin and the Company are a little bit flustered by that fact, and Bilbo is amused.

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The Return of the Princess

Title: The Return of the Princess
Series: The Differences Between Hobbits and Dwarves
Series Order: 2
Author: Starkindler
Fandom: The Hobbit
Genre: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Fantasy, Slash
Relationship(s): Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Other Minor Pairings
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit Sex, No Beta
Word Count: 19,225
Summary: A few months after the birth of Thorin and Bilbo’s children, Dís arrives in Erebor with the first caravans, to find that her family has expanded greatly, much to her contentment. Also, there is a good chance she just might hurt her sons before the day is through. Bilbo is simply trying to keep his Dwarves from exploding with anticipation of their returning families.

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A Little Dwarvish Matchmaking

Title: A Little Dwarvish Matchmaking
Series: The Differences Between Hobbits and Dwarves
Series Order: 3
Author: Starkindler
Fandom: The Hobbit
Genre: Alternate Universe, Established Relationship, Fantasy, Slash
Relationship(s): Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: No Beta
Word Count: 1,564
Summary: When Thorin runs out of patience, he leaves it up to Dís and Bilbo to figure out just what is going on in his best friend’s head.

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