Author Guidelines

1. Authors may have multiple user accounts if they write under more than one name. You’ll need separate logins, however, so let Keira know through the Communication Center (or in your application if you aren’t currently a member of the site), and she’ll chat with you about it.

2. You must warn appropriately for your work. Failure to warn properly in order to “surprise” your reader will result in your permanent removal from the site. Period.

3. You must format your story properly so, please review the style guide carefully and follow the instructions!

4. Plagiarism accusations will be investigated carefully and thoroughly. If you’re found to be guilty of stealing the work of another author, all of your work will be deleted, and you will be removed from the site permanently.

5. Your work remains your own, however, by posting on the Wild Hare Project you are giving us permission to present the material to the public as part of the collective, and you acknowledge that your summary and title will appear on our Facebook page so that readers will be made aware of it.

6. Please review the rating system (located in the Style Guide) and rate your story appropriately. This rating should be for your WHOLE story, not for individual parts.

7. Your author notes should be about your work and not contain anything personal about yourself. You don’t owe your readers an explanation of any sort regarding when you post, how long it took you to post, or what you’ll post next. If you’re feeling inappropriate guilt and an itch to explain yourself because fandom has trained you to do so, send Jilly an email through the communication system—she’ll talk you off the ledge.

8. You must make sure that your membership has a valid email address attached to it at all times. Should you fail to do this and we are unable to communicate with you, your account will be subject to deletion.

9. We do not allow and never will allow chan or pedophilia. Period. End of discussion.

10. While we understand that RPF (Real Person Fiction) is a valid form of expression in fandom, it is not welcome on the Wild Hare Project.

11. On screen sex of any sort between minors under the age of fifteen is strictly prohibited. Obviously, sexual contact between a minor (under the age of 18) and an adult (over the age of 21) is also a violation of the site rules. There are no exceptions, no matter the canon circumstances. Underage characters within the same age group can engage in age-appropriate contact including kissing. A character under the age of 16 can not engage in any sort of sexual contact with a character 18 years or older.

Time traveling characters do have “some” leeway but not to the point where an adult time traveler in a child’s body can engage in sex with another adult.

If you have questions about this rule, contact an admin via the Communication Center. Please note that you’ll get a yes or no answer, and the answer isn’t up for further debate or discussion.

12. If you’d like to “abandon” a story officially and have it listed on the site as an anonymous offering–let us know, and we’ll take care of it.

13. Non-story posts are not acceptable on Wild Hare. Do not create a post to tell people you’re abandoning or putting a story on hiatus. If you want to abandon a work or put it on hold, edit the status of your prior posts and change your Author Note on the last published part to state that the story is taking a Mexican Siesta or being abandoned. You could also adjust your notes on the first part. (If #12 above applies, and your work is being anonymized, do not change anything, just contact the admin team.)

These guidelines are subject to change as situations arise and questions are asked in the future. If you have a question or concern that is not covered here and you’re already a member, please reach out to Keira through the communication center for clarification. If you’re not yet a member of the Collective, please use the contact form linked at the top of the site.

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