Fanfiction writer since 2002; finally back after a long hiatus. Primary gen (friendship/family/team) author though I also do het with genderbent characters, usually for the sentinel/guide au. Lover of all things Cyclops (X-Men All Verses), Tony DiNozzo (NCIS) and many more.

Down the Valley of Elah – Chapter 3

Title: Down the Valley of Elah – Chapter 3
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Marvel Comics, X-Men Comics
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Challenge Response, Crossover, Drama, Episode Related, Fix It, Het, Hurt/Comfort
Relationship(s): Scott Summers/Emma Frost, Scott Summers/Jean Grey
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – sexual, dark themes, death – child, death – major character, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – sexual abuse, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, infidelity, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic, violence – sexual
Word Count: 1362
Summary: Scott has to rebuild his life on the ashes of his Phoenix possession, the death of the man that was his father in fact if not in blood and the shattering of most relationships he’s ever had. Scott is acquitted of the crimes he committed under the influence of the Phoenix. AvX Consequences AU.

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Down the Valley of Elah – Chapter 2

Title: Down the Valley of Elah – Chapter 2
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Marvel Comics, X-Men Comics
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Challenge Response, Crossover, Drama, Episode Related, Fix It, Het, Hurt/Comfort
Relationship(s): Scott Summers/Emma Frost, Scott Summers/Jean Grey
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – sexual, dark themes, death – child, death – major character, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – sexual abuse, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, infidelity, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic, violence – sexual
Word Count: 1914
Summary: Scott has to rebuild his life on the ashes of his Phoenix possession, the death of the man that was his father in fact if not in blood and the shattering of most relationships he’s ever had. Scott is acquitted of the crimes he committed under the influence of the Phoenix. AvX Consequences AU.

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Down the Valley of Elah – Chapter 1

Title: Down the Valley of Elah – Chapter 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Marvel Comics, X-Men Comics
Genre: Action/Adventure, Alternative Universe, Angst, Challenge Response, Crossover, Drama, Episode Related, Fix It, Het, Hurt/Comfort
Relationship(s): Scott Summers/Emma Frost, Scott Summers/Jean Grey
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Abuse – sexual, dark themes, death – child, death – major character, death – minor character, discussion – child abuse, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – sexual abuse, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, infidelity, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, permanent injury, suicide – attempted, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic, violence – sexual
Word Count: 1084
Summary: Scott has to rebuild his life on the ashes of his Phoenix possession, the death of the man that was his father in fact if not in blood and the shattering of most relationships he’s ever had. Scott is acquitted of the crimes he committed under the influence of the Phoenix. AvX Consequences AU.

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Prayer For the Dying – Chapter 2

Title: Prayer For the Dying – Chapter 2
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: X-Men Comics, Marvel Comics
Genre: Alternative Universe, Angst, Drama, Episode Related, Het, Hurt/Comfort
Relationship(s): Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Dark themes, death – child, death – major character (offscreen and prior to beginning of story), death – minor character, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – rape, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, genocide, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, rape – off screen, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic, violence – sexual
Word Count: 1877
Summary: Some things can’t be forgotten, only lived with. Scott stayed in prison. This is one possible AU of how that would go. AU to AvX Consequences.

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Prayer For the Dying – Chapter 1

Title: Prayer For the Dying – Chapter 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: Marvel Comics, X-Men Comics
Genre: Alternative Universe, Angst, Drama, Episode Related, Het, Hurt/Comfort
Relationship(s): Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Dark themes, death – child, death – major character (offscreen and prior to beginning of story), death – minor character, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, discussion – rape, discussion – torture, disturbing imagery, genocide, kidnapping, murder, mutilation, no beta, permanent injury, rape – off screen, torture, violence – canon-level, violence – graphic, violence – sexual
Word Count: 1861
Summary: Some things can’t be forgotten, only lived with. Scott stayed in prison. This is one possible AU of how that would go. AU to AvX Consequences.

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Fluid Dynamics – Chapter 1

Title: Fluid Dynamics – Chapter 1
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: NCIS, the Sentinel
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crime Drama, Crossover, Drama, Fusion, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule63, Mystery, Romance (mostly friendship)
Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Abuse – domestic, dark themes, death – minor character, discussion – domestic violence, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, no beta, violence – canon-level, violence – domestic.
Word Count: 1861
Summary: Toni thought everything was finally settling down in her life after Baltimore; but then Kate joined the team, a series of mysterious deaths kept popping up on their radar and she kept getting a strange vibe from Gibbs. Sentinel/Guide AU.

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Fluid Dynamics – Prologue

Title: Fluid Dynamics – Prologue
Author: WaterSoter
Fandom: NCIS, the Sentinel
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crime Drama, Crossover, Drama, Fusion, Het, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Rule63, Mystery, Romance (mostly friendship)
Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs
Content Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Abuse – domestic, dark themes, death – minor character, discussion – domestic violence, discussion – murder, discussion – other trigger topics, disturbing imagery, kidnapping, murder, no beta, violence – canon-level, violence – domestic.
Word Count: 712
Summary: Toni thought everything was finally settling down in her life after Baltimore; but then Kate joined the team, a series of mysterious deaths kept popping up on their radar and she kept getting a strange vibe from Gibbs. Sentinel/Guide AU.

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